Feel The New Pulse...

I believe what makes the world go round and  v i b r a t e  at the  l o v e  frequency is story feeling the pulse of the story-teller in connection with your own reminding you... and bringing you closer... 


13 Codes & 52 Activation Inquiries As You Enter The New Paradigm & Fall Equinox Portal

brittany mondido fall equinox new earth new paradigm Sep 21, 2024



This meditation, guided by Brittany Mondido, is designed to activate 13-channeled codes and 52-powerful portal activations for the Fall Equinox, guiding you into the New Paradigm of Consciousness. This activation was recorded during the peak of the Fall Equinox on sacred Mayan land. You will hear the natural storm and winds in the background co-creating this portal opener.

Hi loves on here, 

I've been in deep reflection, inner child work and shadow work specifically since the Lion's Gate and, the Fall Equinox is another powerful time of transition to get clear on your intentions and surrender to what you're being initiated into through this activation portal of the Fall Equinox and forward.

Here are some activation inquiries that'll guide you into the New Paradigm. The meditation above is a powerful activation and was co-created on sacred Mayan land. You will hear the storm and winds, and feel the portals being opened as new energies come online.

Glance through and see which one(s) you feel most called to journey into:

1. Purpose and Mission Activation

  • What do I know to be true for myself?– What am I here to create, bring forth and offer to the world?
  • How can I activate my soul’s Highest purpose in this lifetime?
  • What legacy do I want to leave behind, and how can I begin living it now? Embodying it, moving and breathing as such.
  • What is my role in the collective awakening, and how can I step into it more fully and completely?

2. Heart Activation

  • What would it look like to fully lead from my heart in all areas of my life?
  • How can I activate deeper compassion, love, and forgiveness for myself and others? Who do I need to forgive and set free, in turn set myself free and create more space? (write a letter and burn it if this feels true for you, or have open-dialogue)
  • What am I ready to open my heart to that I’ve been resisting?
  • What healing, expression or integration is needed to activate my heart’s fullest potential? The full frequency of the heart? How can I move towards that? What can I see differently?

3. Intuition and Inner Guidance Activation

  • How can I activate my intuitive abilities to trust myself more as I move towards and into a higher level of clarity and faith?
  • What practices or rituals can help me tune into my inner wisdom more easily?
  • What is my intuition guiding me towards next in my spiritual journey?
  • How can I activate my ability to hear, feel, and see guidance from my Higher self or spirit guides?

4. Soul Awakening Activation

  • What parts of my Soul are waiting to be awakened and expressed?
  • What spiritual gifts am I ready to be initiated into, activate and bring forth into the world?
  • How can I fully activate and embody my multidimensional Self?
  • What beliefs, identities or limitations must I release in order to allow my Soul’s full activation?

5. Creativity and Expression Activation

  • What creative potential lies dormant (constricted, being held captive or small) within me, and how can I show up more fully as these parts of me come online– and are activated? 
  • What am I being called to create or express that feels aligned with my Highest truth? (get wild with this one; let yourself HAVE it)
  • What unique talents, expressions, abilities am I ready to open myself up to and share with the world in my own way?
  • How can I open and get connected to my voice and express my truth more boldly, authentically and with conviction? (in what new ways can I express myself?) PS: you can be humble without dismissing your gifts

6. Manifestation Activation

  • What desires are awaiting to be activated into manifestation in my life? Spiritual gifts and vision into the Earth.
  • What actions, beliefs, or habits will help bring my manifestations forth? My Highest Self online.
  • How can I activate the frequency of abundance and gratitude to experience more of what I desire? 
  • What am I ready to call in, and what inner shifts are needed to receive it? (think Law of Attraction; what is required of you?)

7. Energy Activation

  • How can I activate more vitality and life force energy in my body and spirit? Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically. 
  • What practices (e.g., breathwork, movement, meditation, etc.) can help me activate and sustain high(er) frequencies, vibrational energy?
  • What aspects of my energy field need clearing or rebalancing to allow for more flow?
  • How can I activate my chakras or energetic centers for deeper alignment and expansion? Is there a specific energy center that I desire to work on during this season? How will I incorporate it into my life?

8. Self-Mastery Activation

  • What will it take for me to activate my highest potential and become the King/Queen of my own life? 
  • What habits, thought patterns, or behaviors are required of me to activate to embody mastery in my life? Spiritual sovereignty.
  • How can I open myself up to greater discipline and focus to achieve my Soul’s fullest expression?
  • What is one area of my life where I am ready to step into mastery, and how can I move towards this today?

9. Shadow Activation

  • What shadow aspects of myself are ready for integration? What has kept me "stuck" and appears in all areas of my life in different ways?
  • How can I stretch into greater courage to face the parts of myself I have avoided? (with forgiveness)
  • What hidden gifts or strengths can be activated by embracing my shadow?
  • How can I alchemize these shadow parts into light and experience a deeper level of wholeness?

10. Embodiment Activation

  • How can I activate the full embodiment of my spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical selves? What does this look like? What does this feel like?
  • What would it look like to fully embody my truth, stand in my fullest footprint and wisdom in every action, interaction and decision? With compassion, humility, and sovereignty.
  • What parts of me need to come online to align my body, mind, and soul with my higher path? (This may look like calling in your ancestors, past lives, etc.)
  • How can I activate my body’s wisdom to live in greater harmony with my Spirit? How can I build a stronger relationship with my Soul? With my Spirit team?

11. Community and Connection Activation

  • How can I activate deeper connections with my community and Soul family?
  • What am I ready to open myself to: offer and receive within my community to activate greater collective healing, growth and evolution?
  • What relationships or connections need to be attended to or renewal in my life?
  • How can I activate more vulnerability and openness in my relationships for deeper intimacy and growth?

12. New Paradigm Activation

  • What within me needs to be accessed to fully align with the new paradigm of consciousness?
  • What beliefs, systems, or structures are being dismantled, and how can I activate my role in this shift? How can I see this for the blessing it is?
  • How can I activate new ways of thinking, being, and living that support the collective evolution?
  • What part of me is ready to fully stand as the leader I am or guide in this new era of consciousness?

13. Spiritual Leadership Activation

  • What spiritual qualities am I ready to activate as a leader and guide in my community? In the physical world?
  • How can I activate the confidence, courage, and clarity that is needed to lead others on their own spiritual sovereign path?
  • What inner wisdom or teachings are ready to be activated and shared with the world?
  • How can I activate a deeper level of service, humility, and devotion in my spiritual leadership?

These activation inquiries can be used in meditation, journaling, or ceremony to access Higher levels of consciousness, awaken dormant energies, and align yourself with your Highest spiritual path (timelines are merging!). Meet these questions with an open heart– to allow insights to arise and guide your next steps.


  • Choose 3 words/values and write an anchor statement using these three words.
  • Write in present tense a thank you letter for who you'll be and the life you're standing in mid-point from Fall Equinox to the Winter Solstice (November 6th is mid-point)
  • How will I hold myself to this vision? Read it daily? Accountability partner? etc.

Go celebrate you! Great work. I love you.






Where there was once a wall is now the bridge... 


AN ONLINE COMMUNITY & NETWORK for those on the path...

From the seekers to the leaders and everything-in-between;


MORE THAN a platform; it's a space that supports every step of your evolution, expansion and Soul's path. It's a living and breathing ecosystem that connects you to a global conscious community and resources standing as a catalyst in your evolution—whether in business, life, relationships. Bridging the space– any space– between; offering the tools, Guides (and guidance), to support you on this sacred path – individually and collectively.

This is everything I have needed on my path and it's an honor to share it with you– in this way.

The Bridge of Humanity is The Heart. . .



Trusting In The Transition Workshop with Brittany Mondido

Date: September 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM EST

90-minute. Replay available. Register here.


"My work is quite broad and dynamic– yet it all comes down to the heart; and weaving in different approaches and healing modalities alongside a long familial lineage of indigenous healers, 15+ years of being in the healing and leadership space– each holding its own sacred essence.

I work intuitively to understand and feel the needs of those I am working with to best support and guide each Soul on their own sovereign path– guiding you to trust and connect with your own inner knowing as as roadmap to the world you see yourself waking up to every day. Life, business, relationships and everything-in-between; we work from the inside-out."

To learn more about my work, story and teachings, feel welcomed to explore. :)



Multidimensional Mastery

This work is about you becoming HER. I support HER mission; HER vision; HER desires; guide HER heart.

1:1 experiences with Brittany to support you on your path and personal mission into and through this New Paradigm. Lifestyle & Legacy. Creative Expression Through Entrepreneurship & Spiritual Sovereignty

New Worlds, New Ways, "New" Earth? SCHEDULE A CALL

Apprenticeship Program : Business & Heart Mastery

This experience opens annually for those at the leading edge of consciousness. The next cohort begins on November 1, 2024. Beginners to Empire Builders. Seekers to Leaders & Everything-In-Between. Business & Heart Mastery.


Community, "The Bridge"
The ARM Network

An online global network bridging hearts, communities, frequencies, philosophies, and resources – into one space: we meet online & offline supporting your way into wholeness through mastery in life, business, relationships– honoring your sovereign path into collective evolution and heart consciousness. Live Calls, Practices & Community. 



Every Monday, you will receive a love note where I share the CODES of the week. This includes the WEEKLY oracle pull, and free access to meditations,  resources, channeled messages, spiritual guidance, early-access events, behind-the-scenes.

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