The Four Initiations
This process has been featured and viewed by audiences of over 60-million. Life-changing proven method.
ARMS Method™ Instant Download
Each step is an anchor – an initiation: you can apply one or all four steps which makes this method so powerful. These four anchors guide you in changing any area of your life, gently, yet quite quickly. This method was established along my own spiritual journey and it is an honor to share with you.
LOVER. BELIEVER. ARTIST. STORY-TELLER. Warrior of The Hearts of Humanity.
A Woman on (A MIS)sion. . .
Brittany Mondido, Known as "The Heart Master" and "Bridger" of all ages, generations, cultures and dimensions, faiths & walks of life–– creates to raise consciousness of humanity through THE ARM COLLECTIVE™ – which is named after, and in devotion of, her father (ARM; he is still alive, God willing; and I am grateful he gets to witness the evolution of this as this will live on past me, too).
The core of her teaching is Heart Consciousness– connecting you to your heart and alchemizing anything that keeps you from it.
She shares her visions and mission through various expressions, including entrepreneurship (legacy-building), speaking, writing, conscious music, the HEARTMADE™ brand (which includes conscious living, rituals and recipes) and, heart-opening experiences such as retreats, ceremonies, workshops, channeled song and poetry with a spiritual nuance to activate the depths of your being, align you with your Soul and to see yourself more deeply, freely and clearly.
Above all, she is a Spiritual Guide, Storyteller, Legacy-Builder, and Believer; a Teacher of Suffering and Love—and everything in between. She comes from a lineage of indigenous faith-healers, was in Healthcare for over a decade and, driven by her own traumatic experiences, has immersed herself in different healing modalities including ancestral trauma, internal family systems, somatic healing, spiritual psychotherapy, Soul work, shamanism, and muuuuch more. (not a typo... muuuuch more)
Brittany is also the HEART and VISIONARY behind THE ARM COLLECTIVE™, an award-winning collection of conscious companies guiding humanity towards Higher states of heart consciousness and redefining healing through human evolution. In 2024, one of the collections, An ARM's Reach Global™, was awarded "Most Valuable Mission 2024" and featured in RealLeaders Magazine and Omega Institute.
Brittany is also the AUTHOR of her first spiritual memoir, AMIS™ : From Suffering In Silence to Loving Out Loud available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and anywhere you like buying your books.
Brittany's work invites the world to open their hearts, embrace the power to feel deeply and completely, and strengthen their connection with themselves, each other, and our planet.