Channeled Message by Brittany Mondido : July 12th, 2024
Jul 12, 2024Something shifted. . .
When you know what your Soul came here to do, create and experience— you will no longer look out ‘there’ for validation; for what You see and know to be True –– will not need external validation. It is not something that you’ll understand nor are you meant to understand; it is meant to be felt — to follow — to trust — and then you will understand.Yet, in this beautiful form called the body, we tend to do it "the other way around" for when we rely on our own strength, is when it seems impossible or limited. You, energetically, can hold the entire planet; physically, no. Therefore, it goes much deeper and beyond the physical; as does your vision– as does your Truth– as does your Knowing. It is for You to bring into the physical. You.And since it is you, the only one who can see it the way that you see it, it can only be birthed into the world –– by you –– for us [humanity] to experience it inviting others, too, to live and experience this life from the Soul. Sweet Soul. One different stroke or color in a painting makes all the difference. Let your strokes be experienced for it is your strokes that bring smiles onto faces from the heart. The fluttery feeling that begins on the inside – and gets to be experienced on the outside. Just. like. that. In the matter of a second. You may question what to do, where to go, how to do it, what to say, when to say it, how to say it. . .This is from all the mind and, for what you are here to do, the mind cannot fully understand, comprehend, nor surrender to because it is THAT big and expansive. Sweet Soul, all you are to do is trust. Sit in silence and let that part of yourself have a voice... let it have its say in this. Listen. For you already know. . .
The Pulse
My prayer is that you take your step and Trust in your Knowing – for God is always speaking to you and working through you for the work, itself, to be done by You. External validation will not serve your Soul here for this is not in the physical. This is not of form. For you are the transmission to bring the mission – the vision – into form, for that is why You are here. And the more life you allow yourself to experience, the more life you are bringing to others. For this is what makes life – life.