Feel The New Pulse...

I believe what makes the world go round and  v i b r a t e  at the  l o v e  frequency is story feeling the pulse of the story-teller in connection with your own reminding you... and bringing you closer... 


Moving Through A Transition?

Sep 22, 2024
September 22nd, 2024.
Moving through a transition?
Hi loves on here,
🍃 Happy Fall Equinox! 🍂
The energy of our planet is shifting quickly and I'll be hosting a beautiful workshop this Monday (live and in-person) for those moving through a transition.
We're at a curve in consciousness right now (not a sharp turn, more so a curve yet life-changing for all of us) and are being initiated into new worlds and experiences. During this workshop, each will come with their own material (what you're moving through) to work with. The approach is applicable to all: whether in life, business, relationships.
It's spiritually, somatically and energetically led.
The investment is $27.00. Replay included.
Email me with any questions. Excited to hold this space. I love you.
To learn more and register: Hi, here I am.
We'll have a call on Monday and a check-in call mid-point before the Winter Solstice on November 6th, 2024. (Both calls included)
Some Updates & What's Happening In My World
I'm practicing sharing more about what's happening in my world– in real-time– and, I am currently in Mexico! What's happening in my world: well, within 24-hours, I learned that I was nominated as US Ambassador of Peace! I am floating… I also received a feature for magazine #3 this year, New Partnership with the #1 Meditation App (will be sharing more on Monday's LIVE!), two new speaking engagements bookings (one in October and another January). The one in January is for a Health System and speaking on how the world of healing is shifting. I've prayed for this, deeply, from when I was in Healthcare to the space I am in now – and everything-in-between; not realizing, at the time, that I'd be the one sharing the message.. and I feel deeply deeply blessed.
I share this because, things can change very quickly. Transitions offer us that as we move through life and, although what arrives is often unexpected, there are ways to move through them with Grace (as much as we can) and equip ourselves with the necessary tools to stay on our path or have the power to pivot. As more space opens in your life– a lot more space becomes available for the many transitions to unravel and come into its full shape. Miracles happen here.
This past year has been the most challenging for meand yes, the most alchemical and honest yet that doesn't make it “easy”… regardless of what it is, grieving is involved. I had “fought” aka resisted much along the way; it was much to hold until I couldn't “hold it" anymore; things needed to drop– old systems, identities, masks, ways, attachments, people, patterns, etc. and continue to–– to then learning an entirely new way of life. This doesn't mean anything is wrong–  it only means that you are becoming the holder of the life; the one you know to be true for yourself.
With anything new, your nervous system will need to adapt, stretch, and recalibrate to align with the new level of energy and expansion. And shedding requires layers of the ego to melt away so you can stand strong and full in your Queen/King.
I've been immersing myself in deep subconscious work. Inner child. Shadows. (I can keep going…) So I can experience a deeper intimacy. Joy. Pleasure. Permission. The “melt so you can be felt.”
Sharing this so you know, endings come with new beginnings.
A Course In Miracles says, “Miracles are both beginnings and endings. They thus alter the temporal order. They are always affirmations of rebirth, which seem to go back, but really go forward. They undo the past in the present, and thus release the future.”
Whatever you are moving through has quite the beautiful newness before you– literally– right at the edge of your toenails and, wow. Can we just take a moment in silence to take that in?
We all have our ‘stuff’ and, my prayer is that this holds you, deeply, and you feel the love pouring through each word, space and sentence…
This year has blessed me with many miracles and opportunities (in many forms…), “ego-death” after “whoops, hit a shame pocket 👀” (deep shame) yet learning transition after transition = the life experience that we're in means: practicing a new sacred dance (daily), feeding the new embodiment (daily), and learning to meet yourself and not abandon yourself – time and time, again. To learn your needs and communicate them.
“As you meet yourself differently = the world meets you differently.” – AMIS
There will always be something new and, it's how we meet the fear– the resistance– the rage. It's what we're equipped with. It's our support system. It's how we hold and meet ourselves. It's compassion, validation, forgiveness, acceptance… it's deep work. Yet, not impossible work. And, the work I've been immersing myself in for the past few years has gifted me with being able to share it with you– with the community– with the world– and hold myself differently, too.
If you're still reading, I thank you. ♥️
I would love to have you join us on Monday. Change happens fast when working with the body and, the tools I'll be sharing during this workshop will be what I personally use as rituals that have continuously supported my growth and those I've work(ed) with.
Upcoming Events & Offerings
1. Upcoming New York Women's Retreat During Fall Foliage: All-Inclusive (email me for info!)
2. 1:1 portal work is available : book a call or message me with any questions
3. Latest Article : 13-Codes, 52-Activations, New Paradigm Activation (Meditation Inside)
Devoted To Humanity : Support
Whatever you are moving through, please know you are always guided. If I can support you in any way and/or offer tools/resources to support your journey, hit ‘reply’ and feel welcomed to share. Just know, you have a space.. I have space… I recognize the energy of our planet is quite heightened and will continue to be, and; me being a ‘sensitive’, I have an abundance of resources to share with you. We all have ‘stuff’ and these tools will help you meet you in and through this season. Blessings to you, 



Multidimensional Mastery

This work is about you becoming HER. I support HER mission; HER vision; HER desires; guide HER heart.

1:1 experiences with Brittany to support you on your path and personal mission into and through this New Paradigm. Lifestyle & Legacy. Creative Expression Through Entrepreneurship & Spiritual Sovereignty

New Worlds, New Ways, "New" Earth? SCHEDULE A CALL

Apprenticeship Program : Business & Heart Mastery

This experience opens annually for those at the leading edge of consciousness. The next cohort begins on November 1, 2024. Beginners to Empire Builders. Seekers to Leaders & Everything-In-Between. Business & Heart Mastery.


Community, "The Bridge"
The ARM Network

An online global network bridging hearts, communities, frequencies, philosophies, and resources – into one space: we meet online & offline supporting your way into wholeness through mastery in life, business, relationships– honoring your sovereign path into collective evolution and heart consciousness. Live Calls, Practices & Community. 



Every Monday, you will receive a love note where I share the CODES of the week. This includes the WEEKLY oracle pull, and free access to meditations,  resources, channeled messages, spiritual guidance, early-access events, behind-the-scenes.

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